Quick installation

Quick install

After obtaining the License Key, please use the our interactive installation script to quickly install IDSTower:

$ curl -O https://download.idstower.com/install_script/1.1.0/install-IDSTower.sh
$ echo "a2d8a712add3fc732ce517cef54007817e432f9434e19d631772da96c5853313 install-IDSTower.sh" \
 | sha256sum -c -
$ bash install-IDSTower.sh -i

Docker Image

You can also use the Docker image to run IDSTower:

$ docker run -p 80:80 \
   -p 443:443 \
   -e LicenseKey=<Key> \
   -e Hosting__URL=http://idstower.company.local \
   -e Database__Host=<database host> \
   -e Database__Name=<database name> \
   -e Database__Username=<database username> \
   -e Database__Password=<database password> \

For more information on how to run IDSTower using Docker, please refer to IDSTower Docker Hub Repository Page.

Manual install

Or you can also follow the appropriate installation guide depending on the Operating System you wish to install IDSTower on:

CentOS Stream:

Rocky Linux:


Oracle Linux:


Amazon Linux:



Systems reached End-Of-Life (EOL):