Installation on AWS Amazon Linux 2023¶
Quick install¶
After obtaining the License Key, please use our interactive installation script to quickly install IDSTower:
$ curl -O
$ echo "a2d8a712add3fc732ce517cef54007817e432f9434e19d631772da96c5853313" \
| sha256sum -c -
$ bash -i
Manual install¶
Please follow these steps to install IDSTower on AWS Amazon Linux 2023:
Add IDSTower Yum repository
$ sudo bash -c 'cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/idstower.repo << EOF
name = IDSTower
baseurl =\$basearch/
Install MariaDB, Ansible and IDSTower
$ sudo dnf install mariadb105-server -y
$ sudo dnf install idstower ansible -y
Start and enable MariaDB service
$ sudo systemctl enable mariadb.service
$ sudo systemctl start mariadb.service
$ sudo systemctl status mariadb.service
(Recommended) Run mariadb-secure-installation Script
$ sudo /usr/bin/mariadb-secure-installation
Edit the appsettings.json configuration file (located in: /opt/idstower/) and set the following settings
set the LicenseKey key value with the key you obtained from the license page.
set the URL key value with the url you want IDSTower to listen to, example: http://idstower.mydomain.local, this url must be reachable from your Suricata hosts, note that you can use ip addresses as well.
Note: On AWS if you use an IP Address in URL, it cannot be your public IP address, please use the private one.
set the MySQL Database settings like host, port, database name, username & password via the Database key.
Initialize the IDSTower database
$ cd /opt/idstower/
$ sudo ./IDSTower --init-database
If you wish to initialize the database manually, you can find the schema initialization script here:
You can import the script by running:
$ sudo mysql -u [username] -p [DatabaseName] < idstower_schema_script.sql
Add an admin user to IDSTower
$ cd /opt/idstower/
$ sudo ./IDSTower --add-user [Your Admin Username]
$ sudo ./IDSTower --add-user admin
Enable and start IDSTower Service
$ sudo chown -R idstower:idstower /var/log/idstower
$ sudo systemctl enable idstower.service
$ sudo systemctl start idstower.service
Verify that IDSTower Service started correctly
$ sudo systemctl status idstower.service
Access IDSTower web interface
You can now access the IDSTower web interface using the URL specified in your appsettings.json configuration file. Log in using the admin username and password you created in step 6.