Adding AWS Connector Export Credentials to IDSTower¶
In this guide we will add the previously created AWS Credentials to IDSTower AWS Connector, the IDSTower AWS Connector needs those credentials in order to create and update the stateful rule groups in AWS Network Firewall.
Login to your IDSTower instance.
Navigate to Settings page.
Then, click on “AWS Connector” tab.
Click on “Add AWS Credential”.
Fill in the credentials details we created previously and click “Add”
After clicking Add, IDSTower will verify that the credentials are valid by attempting to authenticate to AWS, note that you can pick any name for the added credentials, only the Access Key Id and Secret Key will be used for authentication with AWS.
Once the user was added successfully, it will be listed under the AWS Credential.
In the previous steps, we have added the AWS credentials needed for IDSTower to access the AWS Network Firewall and publish the IDS Rules.
Next, we will configure IDSTower AWS Connector to export our IDS Rules & IOCs to AWS Network Firewall.