Generic CSV feeds

Many of the threat intelligence feeds publishes their IOCs as simple comma-separated values (CSV) files, IDSTower support importing these feeds.

To add a CSV feed to IDSTower, please follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings->Feeds Tab->Add New Feed.

  2. Set the Feed Name and Feed url.

  3. Under type select “Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)”.

  4. Under Feed Format option, select “comma-separated values (CSV)”.

  5. Select how should IDSTower locate the indicator column in the CSV file, you can choose column name if the CSV file contains a CSV header, or column index (start the count from zero, first column index being 0).

  6. Enter the Column name or index.

  7. Under authentication, select the appropriate authentication that the feed uses.

  8. Click on “Verify Connection”, in this step IDSTower will verify that both the URL and the authentication credentials provided are valid.

  9. Update the feed import settings if needed, then click on “Add Feed”.

  10. The feed is now added and the IOCs will be imported periodically to IDSTower and send to Suricata hosts, you can trigger the feed download immediately by clicking on “Update” on the feed section.

In the following video, you can see the steps to add an open source C2 IPs feed published in github to IDSTower:
